Saturday, September 10, 2011

On their cover, Inc Magazine called Bill Bartmann "The Billionaire Nobody Knows."

What is even less known than Bill himself is his story, which is arguably the most astounding "rags-to-riches" development in U.S. business history.

Bill Bartmann went from...

- Homeless (lived under a bridge viaduct)
- Gang member
- High-school dropout
- Alcoholic
- Paralyzed (and told he'd never walk again)
- Completely bankrupt with cars repossessed become the 25th wealthiest American, with a net worth at the time that exceeded the likes of Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch and Ross Perot.

Ironically, Bill made his first fortune during a recession. (His business method only works in a BAD ECONOMY, and today we have, what most economists agree, are the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression.)

Now he's at it again. You should check this webinar online...

This report will inspire you ... and show you a way to make money during this down economy that you likely have never even thought of before.

In a world of hype and over embellishment...Bill Bartmann is the REAL DEAL. If he can become financially independent, you can too. Take yourself to the next level...

During the Savings & Loan crisis, the economic conditions caused Bill Bartmann's business to fail saddling him with over $1 million dollars in debt.

Unscrupulous debt collectors would call his home at all hours of the day (and night), verbally harassing not only him, but his wife and two young daughters.

He was forced to declare bankruptcy.

Depressed and with no income, he and his wife Kathy, subsisted for an entire year off a $10,000 limit credit card. Each week they'd hold their breath at the supermarket, hoping there'd be enough space available to pay for that weeks groceries. Fast forward to a few years later...

...This same Bill Bartmann was now the 25th wealthiest person in America with a Fortune that exceeded the likes of Donald Trump and H.Ross Perot.

Deja vu all over again

Now history is repeating itself.

The economic conditions that enabled Bill to go from bankruptcy-to-billionaire during the Savings & Loan crisis are here again (only 10x more severe.)

And this time around instead of just making money for himself, he's decided it would be quicker and more streamlined to work with partners, who he personally trains, than to build one humongous 3,900 person company like he did before.

You can listen to the same audio from Bill that I did. It's posted online and gives you all of fascinating details of Bill's story and more importantly how you can now partner with a self-made billionaire to make money yourself in the EXACT industry that he revolutionized.

Yesterday the stock market dropped 1% because the Federal Reserve didn't send the right "signals."

Almost one month ago to the day, the Dow dropped 635 points, the sixth-largest point drop ever, when S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating.

With "terrible" economic news like this most people become upset, if not outright distraught. I get giddy.

You see, "bad" news is only bad if you're on the wrong side of the equation. I've become a self-made billionaire by making it a science to be on the right side of the equation during "bad" times.

If you are interested in learning how to do this for yourself, you need to block out an hour this coming Wednesday, September 14th, to join me on a live webinar call where I am going detail a new plan for a handful of people to profit by participating in my business side-by-side with me.

Allow me to be completely blunt -- there are only a few people in the world who truly know how to make money in "bad" times. I am one of them. I have become wealthy beyond my wildest dreams through this process and am doing it again now. There's a reason why you are reading this right now and you know exactly what it is.

Here's how to get registered:


Date: Wednesday, September 14th

Time: 8:00pm EDT/ 7:00pm CDT / 6:00pm MDT / 5:00pm PDT